Friday, June 26, 2009

I Finally Get It! Pilates 101

Okay so the last few weeks have been scary for me as far as effortless weightloss goes because I've gone from 135 to 123 and I didn't start really weighing myself until the beginning of this week. I did not have a weightloss goal. I had a fat loss goal and as far as that goes I'm still borderline fat according to my scale.

So what's been going on? Lack of sleep, running on caffeine, and not having time to eat. Disastrous! At first I was like yay 125! And then this morning at a little under 123 pounds I was like...this is bad. But, that's not what I wanted to make this post about anyway.

I was a practitioner of Pilates for 5 or 6 years and then I stopped after I learned about it's partial origins in Yoga. One of my spiritual advisors told me that practicing Pilates was not praying to the Hindu gods because it was not designed with that it mind.

Anyway, I had only been to classes briefly and at the classes the instructor was overweight and made us do the exercises with a large number of repetitions. In the book The Pilates Body by Brooke Siler which I used as a manual, Siler recommended a low number of repetitions and to imagine your body as various objects like a rope and pulley.

Anyway, this morning I was doing a little ab workout. My abs and lower back still need help okay. And it finally clicked for me. It all came together because I was thinking about this group of radical exercise freaks that had been on Oprah. They all did their exercises in a slow methodic manner while concentrating on using the body to create resistance instead of machines.

So I had read in Brooke's book or somewhere else that a workout is not complete without the mind. And this morning I was finally able to bring my imagination into the ab workout (which included a few Pilates moves). I had to close my eyes to imagine my body as some object stronger than it was, but at the end of my workout I was satisfied that I had challenged myself sufficiently without overworking my muscles. Over-training causes muscles to break down! I can remember the days of doing 400 crunches a night. Now I have finally mastered the mind-body connection.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Avatar From

So my instructor game me a number of podcasting website tools to look at, and I thought why not make a post about

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Much Ado About Renegade Breakthrough

So I have an ad on eBay running to build a list for the relaunch of Renegade Professional and Renegade Breakthrough. I realize that I planned to have at least 100 running at a time. Seems like I've been distracted with graduate school. I'm happy though because I'm putting together two killer marketing/promotion campaigns for Glory Power Ministries and BCS, Christian Fioravanti's company.

Glory Power is launching a product without a product launch (*shakes head), but the founders are not schooled in marketing and I do not have the time. Perhaps I can find someone that offers that service and connect them. Eureka.

I'm plugging away at my Renegade Lessons. If anyone wants free lesson or more info on this check it out: (Renegade = Attraction Marketing (Brand Building) 101)

Front Loading

This is a skill that I have been thinking about for a while. I read about this group that described one of their friends. He had this odd habit of spending the first two weeks of his classes in the library doing all of his work for the semester. He would even miss some of his classes. I have started doing this on a smaller scale. I have not gotten to the point of doing all of my reading before a class starts, but I have begun to do all of my reading at the beginning of the week.

Reading can be spaced over three days. I cram it into one day and with good reason. I want so spend more time on infopreneuring. I took a big step towards into creating a muse (according to Timothy Ferriss' definition) today. I spent a little time talking to God on what I am suppose to be giving the world. Now I know what to write about. I made a table of contents for a book, and I know it will not be difficult to complete. The book will include the conversation.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Clarence Wooten on Entrepreneurship

I realized that I had the mindset of an employee
while I was trying to start a business. Today was
my biggest aha moment ever! When Clarence
Wooten said,

"A paycheck is an addiction. Not unlike crack."

my mindset was altered forever.

See the video I watched that brought about the change:
(So short, but so dense with information.)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fun and Pointless Post

I just found a fun new photo manipulation tool so I decided to
blog about it. Interestingly enough it was created by this guy
Chris Pirillo that I find amazingly annoying.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Rich Dad Poor Dad Reacurring Thought

So this thought keeps coming up in my mind about how my current education is pulling money out of my pocket and therefore not an asset by Robert Kiyosaki's definition. Actually, this education is costing me more than I can calculate. I understand the principle of creating assets which he presented. Multiply the things that are putting money in your pocket or cashflow, and reduce the things that are taking money out of your pocket.

This education right now is a huge liability. In fact, it might be considered too costly if 80% of it wasn't being covered by the VA. So my meditation for these last three months has been create assets or create possibilities for more income streams. I make online videos. I write articles, press releases...whatever, but my focus should be on bigger deals.

I recently ran across this guy's program called Million Dollar Licensing. I watched all his videos, and I am seeking to apply his stuff in between reading my textbooks and making discussion posts. You guessed it. I opted for the online format for my degree in TESOL because I thought that it would give me more time to pursue marketing...boy was I wrong.

This Million Dollar Licensing idea is somewhat like a technique that I learned as one of Robert Allen's Mastery students. It's called Transaction Engineering, and the class is taught by Lorenzo Spencer (The Undercover Millionaire). The technique is to set yourself up as a contractor for companies that interest you and to make sure that you get a finder's fee.

All of this is turning over in my head because I know it is a better way to do business instead of focusing on giving out informational reports and hoping that people join your business opportunity. Why is the second business plan so much more prevalent than the first? Anyways back to the original juxt: Create Assets.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

How to Make Screen Captures

I just learned a cool trick that I've been dying to share. And it's so simple that it is almost embarrassing. I can see how I can use screen capture for school. I mean who really wants to go through the whole downloading process or copying of website code to reconstruct a message for students.

This process is ideal for constructing a PowerPoint presentation or a WordDoc handout.
1) Push the button after F12 labeled "PrtSc" (it is on my Toshiba anyway). I see it labeled differently on my Dell "Prnt Scrn". It's also above the function keys instead of after them. In any event push the "Print Screen" button.

2) In MSWord you can edit the screen capture by using the crop feature on the Picture Toolbar. (View->Toolbars->Picture) (You have to click the little black dots to move the edges in or out.)

3) Copy and paste your picture into Powerpoint for further editing or Paste into Paint or any other photo editing program on your computer to save as a image file (.gif, .jpeg etc.) for later use.