Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Oh I Figured Out Why I Procrastinate

I was just talking with my mother about this; it might just be the same state of millions if not billions of other people. We have gone through a school system in which other people decide if we are good enough. They grade us. And then after we graduate and we pursue our dreams we no longer have that system to help us stay on course.

Besides that, I realized that I have a unhealthy, perhaps crazy attraction to things that I'm afraid of. The last few years I have designed my life around doing things that I'm terrified of doing. For example, cliff diving/jumping, rock climbing. And because I have become somewhat addicted to that rush of being in danger--rising to a challenge, etc.

So it is simply exhilarating for me to wait until I have precisely enough time left to do something and then to rise to the challenge of completing it before the deadline. This is why there is a market for life coaching; they keep you accountable, give you deadlines for things that you want to do and that you would never give yourself a deadline for.

For many years I have been trying to fabricate these circumstances. Little challenges for myself, but the problem has consistently been that my "accountability partners" have little interest in themselves or much less my dreams and so with that lack of commitment the relationship falls apart.

If only I had a big exam coming up on PPC. If only I had a teacher hanging over me while I struggle to finish another book. I have been waiting a long time to be able to do this. I started a spoof channel on Youtube about this, and now I know it is essential to do again. I need to get another coach because I'm terrified of not keeping my word.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Why Do I Procrastinate?

For the last three days I have sat at my computer to write my final papers only not to write them. Only to watch more Frank Kern trainings. To outline my papers and rewrite me "to do" list several times. I exercised, drank caffeinated beverages, asked my mother to bug me about it, even informed my teacher (earlier in the week) that I was having this lagging issue, and I still procrastinated.

The one day that I worked on my papers before they were do was last Wednesday, and that was after I sent my teacher an email telling her that I would be sending a rough draft of one paper and an outline for the other. I keep my word. It seems that deadlines are everything. Unreasonable deadlines are even better for me.

I wrote a book about this. Coach Aneirin's Guide to Living Your Winningest Life Ever! You can get a copy at: Ignore my horrid picture there. Procrastination is very irritating to me, but now I just have to figure out how to avoid procrastinating on setting deadlines...

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Inspired at Sugar Bar NYC

Just got back from a ten day trip to New York, and I got to do many things. I'm sharing a little bit on Facebook, a little on YouTube, and a little here.

I wanted to blog about Andre Henry's concert at Sugar Bar in New York, New York because I was afraid to make the trip by myself. I wasn't scared of the city. I was scared of getting lost on the subway...again.

So this is me and Andre in the photo. A picture of triumph for me, a picture of "Are we going to get the shot right this time?" for him.

I had asked my friend Ralf to go with me. I asked my one of my cousins, and I was waiting that night for another cousin to show up at church to ask her to go with me. One of my aunts was suggesting that she could drive me, but really didn't want to.

Then I remember hitch-hiking to Sturgis in 2004. I remembered how everything just worked out. That situation was way more extreme and God brought me home, so I lollygagged a little and finally went to the subway. I had my Blackberry and the Google Maps app to guide me...until I made the mistake of pushing the back button. Ooops! No directions anymore.

I was distraught for a couple of minutes until I remembered that I could still read emails. I had saved Andre's email in my mailbox which happened to have the directions to Sugar Bar. The directions were kind of vague, but I remembered my cousin had showed me to how to read the subway map a couple of days prior. Lesson you've probably heard 1000 times: do what you're afraid of.

Here's some embarrassingly poor I took video of Andre performing:

Oh and don't forget to check Andre's best stuff out at:
If you live in NYC you're lucky, 'cause you can go to his shows.