I love to write about stuff that is spiritual in nature. This morning I was praying with my cousin when I heard the word "domain." I did not hear it literally spoken or anything like that. It was sort of like impressed on my consciousness.
I asked my cousin if she knew of any scriptures with the word domain in them. All the ones that I had ever read contained the word dominion. My research brought me to the synonyms "first estate" and "principality."
Now, this was cool to me because I had heard about principalities or spirits that rule over different territories and such. So, I started thinking about domain names in a different way.
I mean, domain names really are like 21st Century real estate in that sense. When you look at how we, the consumers, pay a certain fee to use them. But, we can never own them completely. I think that the person or people that own these domain name registrars are the real kings in these times.
Anyway, I just wanted to talk about this affiliate program that I recently started promoting called Empower Network. I was just thinking of how the Daves, the kings of the empowernetwork.com domain, sort of have dominion over all the affiliates that sign up as members.
Since they added an administration fee, that is sort of like property tax. We are subjects in their kingdom and we pay dues to work the land. Is it interesting how the virtual world mirrors the natural world, or is it the other way around?
Anyway, I'm cool with the setup because the Daves are persons of integrity. They act ethically and do what they instruct members to do. It is really a willful subjection to the rules of their domain. What happens when you do not follow the ways for their kingdom? Well, you will, by default, elect another place to dwell...
The Daves are always promoting ways to build massive income streams quickly. They are always teaching about consistent action and staying in the game. It sort of made me think about the poverty mentality, as Dani Johnson puts it, that something will last forever or that one action will lead to striking gold.
It is also called the lottery mentality. The lottery is advertised everywhere. The masses are brainwashed for failure. This has been confirmed by nation-wide poles about retirement plans. The majority of peoples' retirement plans are winning the lottery.
David Sharpe was talking about how he had been accused of brainwashing members. I chuckled a little because I was well aware of the use of NLP and "hypnotic selling" in their live trainings and webinars. But, I also understood that the purpose was to sell a lot of merchandise for the benefits of members; members keep 100% of the commissions from sales; and, the purpose was to create a culture of continued selling.
The reality is that a company that stops advertising, internally or externally, eventually dies. And, the issue with people that do not make a lot of money, is they do not understand this concept or they just think it is for businesses.
I believe building several massive streams of residual income is a better retirement plan than winning the lottery. I have been working on my retirement plan for the last 9 years. I do not have much in Social Security, but studying marketing is just starting to pay off.
The leaders of Empower Network emphasize reinvesting 20% of gross revenues back into advertising. They teach members to advertise like real businesses instead of like some amateur affiliate marketers that eat all the seed money and limit, reduce or kill the chance of future harvests.
Knowing all of this, my attitude is 'What if it was going to require everything from me, whole-hearted commitment for 90 days, would I give it that to have a new life on the other side?'
Yes. I think that is it worth it to run with this caliber of people. Empower Network: there's life changing people inside. http://www.theempoweredway.com