Wednesday, April 4, 2018

To The Man Who's Looking for Me.

Instagram is an interesting social network.
It seems it is more of a "face book" than Facebook.

I recently started using it and discovered there are a few guys on there that just started following me because they think I'm cute, pretty or whatever.

And, one of them actually tried to strike up a conversation with me about what I do. It was tough on both of us.

He said, "I don't get you."

But, I was saying, "I don't have time for you, bro."

After beginning to learn how to live a fuller life through Garrett J. White teaching his Warrior "doctrine," I just don't have time for any man that isn't producing meaningful work.

It's amazing what happens when you really start living the truth. You don't have time for sissies, whiners or liars.

If you dig me, get with the program:

Friday, February 9, 2018

Back to the Grind

It's seems I left off everything I was focused on creating when I found love again. Love left, and I'm back to the grind. No one puts things in order better than Garrett J. White. Listen to his short punchy podcast so you can know what I mean.