Thursday, May 28, 2009

What's Facebook Have To Do With It?

Today I realized that as much as I claim to love to network that I had not done much to connect with my old friends on Facebook. Today after finding someone that had similar interests like traveling and building a business out of it I realized my lack of a network on this favorite networking web site of mine.

So I went on a friend adding blitz. Basically, I used the dreaded automatic adder, the one that you plug your email address into with your password. I was like, "So much for security." Security is an illusion anyway.

So I had been emailing this stranger back and forth for about an hour and then I added him as a Facebook friend and...nothing. No response. Maybe I need to say hello, but it definitely woke me up a bit to my lack of networking. I put the Facebook App on my I-Pod and then actually visited a few other websites that I've been neglecting (i.e. Twitter).

All of this has been a great way of procrastinating on the 100 or so pages I have to read by tomorrow night. What am I doing up at 3 in the morning anyway--procrastinating--I'm still telling myself that I will do my work after I do a few other things. Where did this behavior start?

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Journey of an Infopreneur

It's sort of funny. I think Robert Allen coined the term Infopreneur and I'm selling his stuff on the subject on Craigslist. So I decided that I will have 100 ads running at a given time, no less. 100 just sounds like a good number. I will be marketing this guy Mark Ewing's course on becoming a professional group travel organizer. It's something that I might go into in the future so I thought that it would be cool to market it for now.

School sucks so much outta ya. As I am blogging I'm sort of procrastinating on reading my chapters for this last week and writing my papers. I love school:)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Speed Reading

Yesterday I found out that I can read at least 70xs faster if I fix my left eye on the left side of the text and read with my right eye only. Half of the time that I have been doing school work it has been reading. I prefer writing so much more, and with so many words to look up taking speed reading courses or at least figuring out little tricks to read faster are essential to doing well in graduate school.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Power of Focus

I think I should have read that book that shares the
same title as this post. I'm just going to share some
insight from the training that I plugged into to get
my Infopreneuring business up and running. I
promised myself that I will have one product up
for sale by the end of this month.

RECAP 5/12/09

What is the most important resource you have?

I'd argue that focus is, with focus you create better
ideas of how to leverage other people's time money and
energy and how to use you own time and energy better.

Guard your focus with your life and you will do wonders.
Focus will determine the kind of result you get more than
anything else.

Learn how to say no and focus on what you start; there
will always be a new system, tool, or product coming out
that you will want. File the email or ad away and focus.

This is a link to get access to the training I plugged into:
Click to Get Access to How to Do Business on the Internet

The Journey of a Patron

I've decided that rather than seeking out different organizations to become involved with that I will instead increase my involvement with the organizations with which I am already associated. For me, right now this means putting energy into building Glory Power Ministries' online presence.

I was conducting an interview of a man that had immigrated to the States about nine years ago. After hearing my story the man said that America should not be involved in other people's civil wars or wars period. I suppose we are not God's sovereign hand and this country's people suffer because of the expense.

When he made the comment I actually started thinking about myself. There are many people that I have helped and sought to help over the years while ignoring myself in the process. This has slowly caused me to value myself less. The cause is important and the individuals behind the cause are more important.

I will have to remember as I am raising funds and helping to organize events for charities that I must first take care of myself.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Recounting my journey here

So I've started several books that I've never finished in my life. Perhaps the problem was that I did not have the resources to complete them. So, this blog will be about all the things that I have begun that I welcome input on. At one time I was afraid to share my thought, but now I just believe that if someone if helped in the process any amount of criticism I might receive for my words doesn't really matter.

There are three journey that I will write about here:
1) The journey of an Infopreneur
2) The journey of a graduate student
3) The journey of a patron

I have access, right now to all the information I need. But, hopefully as I write about each of these topics I will find those that know more about them.