Saturday, September 12, 2009

New Money Masters + Teaching English Grammar

The last five weeks have been the least fun weeks that I can remember since my final semester as an undergrad. No complaining. I keep reminding myself that some people "can't afford" to go to school so they don't get to complain about the teacher or the course load or the all-nighters. I love it. I consider myself very blessed to be able to complain that I don't like a particular brand of bottled water or that the air conditioner is set to low. These are things that are not in some people's lives so they don't get to complain about them.

They get to complain about dirty drinking water, lack of educational opportunities, and the lack of a breeze (because they don't have air conditioning). Oh, that just reminded me it's the official month of giving clean water to people for Charity Water Very cool I donated last year and I plan to donate again this year at the end of the month.

Oh, I wanted to talk about New Money Masters. It's a program that Tony Robbins just started because he wanted to analyze how people that make a lot of money online think and because he wanted to learn the Internet Marketing Game. I signed up for the "free trial'' because the first person that he interviewed was (the evil genius behind most product launches) Frank Kern. So I really liked the material, but again, I am a little bit stuck. Yo necessito el capital de lanzamiento.

It's cool. I got other plans brewing since I went through this giant shift from trying to learn everything and do everything myself to just paying others to do it and actually getting it done:)

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