Friday, October 29, 2021

Mr. Money Mustache + The Cashflow Quadrant (12/30/19 - 01/05/20)

12/30/2019 I did the 30 Day Money Challenge through the Doughroller Podcast not to long ago, and it was great because it introduced me to Mr. Money Mustache. I think Mr. Money Mustache retired at 30. But, it taught me about my poor spending habits and the foolish spending of my dad. It's great when you have great money managers as parents, but for the rest of us, we have to learn.

Mr. Money Mustache shared a novel idea. He used his blog as his accountability partner, posting his net worth once a week. I have in my mind to post my positive or negative gain for a day (no including the student loan interest compounding against me). So far today, I am at $15... my goal is to break the $1000/day mark so I can live independently again.

My living expenses were government subsidized -- I was getting money for being in school because my father received 100% military disability. I think it was $1080/mo. That covered rent and then some. I worked 2 contractor positions along with picking up substitute teaching jobs, and my income has not been at that level since. That was 2015.
1) WyzAnt Tutor
2) Brainfuse Tutor
3) Substitute Teacher
4) Student loan (kickback)
5) VA benefits from my dad It was nice being at $3,000/mo.

I could afford a vacation for me and my beau, but now, It time to rebuild, and instead of net worth tracking. I am using Robert Kiyosaki's guidance for escaping the rat race - cash flow tracking. Rule #1 - Pay Yourself First.

 Currently: 1) EF Kids Teacher

 9:23PM I did not get to $100 today, but I may have found a way to recover a few thousand in settlement money. What am I saying, I didn't find it. Spirit led me there by placing in me the inkling of an idea that I could settle with USAA on the debt owed them that I had fallen behind on.

12/31/19 Yeah, I think I will put these in week by week. My new goal is to change my environment. We are taught that to change our outer world we have to first change our inner world, but there was also the doctor who said if you stay in toxic relationships you will die. My father is killing me. I have decided again to see where I can WOOF and write my dissertation. My ma was adamant about me having the $1000 to cover my bills before I went anywhere. It is a snare to me, the debts. I think about and desire to consolidate, but my credit score is too low. J.O.B. --- Self-employed --- (network marketing is a glorified "S" not a "B."

12/1/20 Apply for ESL full time teaching jobs again because the target is $3K a month by 'ALMOST' any means necessary. I checked the last 4-5 websites on the list. I must return tomorrow. I know I should not pursue a university position though.

12/2/20 Today I have specific instruction: drop ship surf boards and boogie boards, and check in on Bethany to see if her period cramping has improved. I am really thinking that my ability to hear doesn't exist - I wasted much tiempo looking for surf board dropshippers only to land on "give us all your money" sites. I thought to ask my brother for access to his membership for dropshippers. Talked to Racquel. We are starting with Nancy Badillo's free stuff. Then, we are going to Arsha's stuff.

12/3/20 All this seeking of Divine counsel from above has made me certifiably insane. I'm going with the "led away by my own lusts" cap on this one. And, I will listen to my gut with the rest of life. The gut is sparked by the Divine. The heart and the brain may lie, but the gut (root) -- has it ever lied? So far, it has never misled me. So, AWAI approved me to promote for them. I have no idea what the commission percentages are for things, but they have promised another email with all of that.

12/4/20 I have the goal to get involved with one of the AWAI clubs ASAP. Spirit was telling me the Etsy move is not like a self-employed job or a regular employee job because sales can come in while I am not actively working. So, having a story is breaking the hourly wage paradigm. Network marketing is similar because you profit from the labor of others, but you are still more a high paid "S" than an business owner... unless you have a Ann Sieg type set up.

12/5/20 What's really nice here is I did not figure things out. I just decided to publish. I would write 1042 words 6 days out of the week, and I would be diligent in that one thing, to write, write on!